Camera Scanning
Photo: A. Båsmo, Scanned on VALOI
Did you know?
Camera scanning is closely based on the process of re-photographing images, a process that has been done since the very first photographs and that was very common until the onset of digital scanners.
It is commonly know as reproduction.
How does it work?
Place our holder on-top of a light source. Point a camera from above, down onto the film.

Take a picture of your film, making a digital copy of it.

Insert film into our holder. Keeping dust and stray light out.

If your film is negative, convert it using a tool like FilmLab or Negative Lab Pro.

Use a lens that can focus close and focus on the film.

Save and Share
Save your precious images and share them with friends online.

How does it compare to a flatbed?
Resolution is not the most important part in film photography, but extracting as much of the film as you can will render an image more true to the film.
Epson v850 Flatbed

Camera Scanning

This will open a Google Drive folder
Scanning is boring, so you don't want to spend hours scanning each roll of film. Scroll down to find out how long scanning takes.
"Before I started the idea of VALOI, I would spend hours at the University Library flatbed scanner, studying while waiting for just a couple of rolls. I almost gave up on film before I discovered camera scanning."
- Arild E. Båsmo, VALOI Co-Founder
Flatbed Scanner
One 35mm roll: 35min - 2 hours
- Source: Filmscanner.info

Camera Scanning
One 35mm roll: 7-15min
Flatbed Scanners
Fixed quality
Limited number of formats
No upgrade-able parts
Camera Scanning
Near unlimited upgrade possibilities
Fully modular
Nearly any film format possible

Want more details?
There are many good videos out there showing camera scanning. We recommend this one by Analog Resurgence, particularly because it takes the perspective of someone new to camera scanning.
In this video Jahan Saber goes through the whole process in easy-to-follow terms, including setup, capturing and processing. A must-see if you want to get into camera scanning.
What are the limits of camera scanning? Well, in this video Kyle McDougall explores that with his new setup that replaced one of the best film scanners in history, the Coolscan 9000 ED.
VALOI products will help you get the best results possible while being highly efficient, and without having to struggle with DIY solutions. They will hold your film flat and without scratching it, while also letting you move quickly to the next frame. The affordable holders are a great starting-point, and accessories like the Advancer will grant you more stability, speed and quality.
The VALOI 360 scanning system is the perfect modular tool for anyone either wanting to get into camera scanning or someone wanting to upgrade their setup to a professional solution.